Wednesday 23

Reply from my sister – think I made a typo in my family e-mail, I re-check – I asked them to look for Geiger c*nters!

I found water, only 500ml but at least its water, I try buying two bottles but am told I can only buy one

Lunchtime I head to the British Embassy and get my emergency dose of potassium iodide, they also give me a dose for Shoko. I read the accompanying pamphlet at least 3-4 times. It clearly says ‘take tablets as soon as you have finished reading this leaflet’ so I bosh them. I then get home and re-read the Govt website – it says to keep them as a precautionary measure and not to be taken now, uh-oh

Mail from Noel in England – just seen the headline `Tokyo's tap water now has more than twice the level of radiation considered safe for infants, according to the Associated Press. Meanwhile, black smoke was emerging from one of ...`